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Video: Drew Ruana meldet Erstbegehung von 'Insomniac' 8C+

Der US-Amerikaner Drew Ruana meldet auf seinem Insta-Account die Erstbegehung ‚Insomniac‘ 8C+ am Mount Evans bei Denver (Colorado) in den USA. Der Boulder startet wie ‚Wheel of wolvo‚ (8B+) und endet nach einem gutem Rastpunkt in ‚We Can Build You‘ (8B+) mit einen gemeinsamen Ausstieg.

„The big line of the cave starts on the wheel of wolvo/delirium start, going through a 8 move v14 sequence to a nice rest jug. After taking a breather on the jug, Insomniac shoots through We Can Build You, a nice power endurance v14 with a hard lip encounter and finish moves. The first section is the most physically demanding part, sapping a lot of power before the end. The second half is a power endurance nightmare, making for a 30 move frenzy of hard moves with a heartbreaker at the end. I think I put around 10 days of effort with probably 20 falls near the end from various starts.“

Foto: (c) Alton Richardsson

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