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Adam Ondra mit zwei 8C Erstbegehungen

Adam Ondra verbrachte einen wirklich produktiven Tag in seinen heimischen Klettergebiet dem Mährischen Karst. So gelangen ihm mit „Nunavut“ und „Pučmeloun“ zwei neue 8C-Boulder. Außerdem konnte er mit _“Intensitos“ einen 8B -Boulder erstbegehen.

„One of the best day bouldering for sure. Both 8C’s are projects that I have had in my mind for a some time, I had tried them quite a bit in the past, I knew they were possible, I just needed to wait for the perfect day. And the day was yesterday. High psyche after a stint of indoor climbing, and perfect late autumn conditions. Both went down first try this time after rechecking the moves.“

Foto: (c)  Jakub Konecny

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