Der Pirmin Bertle provoziert ja gerne einmal und hat eine eigene Sicht auf die Dinge. Nun wohnt der momentan um die Ecke wohnhafte gebürtige Bayer in Coronazeiten im Nördlichen Frankenjura und löste seinem Post in den sozialen Medien einen Shitstorm aus. Verboten ist das Klettern nicht, aber sicherlich ethisch umstritten, raten doch die offiziellen Kletterverbände davon ab. Letztlich kann und sollte sich jeder selbst dazu eine Meinung bilden. Wir haben es vorher auch schon getan.
Passenderweise versuchte sich Primin in der Route „Corona“ (9a+) von Markus Bock. Damals im Jahr 2006, zum Zeitpunkt der Erstbegehung die schwerste Route im Nördlichen Frankenjura und in Deutschland. Grundregeln wie „Social distancing“ und auch das Risiko beim Klettern hielt er auf alle Fälle gering.
Priman hierzu: „Wearing a mask in a stamina route like this one, increases the risk of respiratory distress for my age group probably more than Covid-19. But it works out to try the sequences on the GriGri and keeps my photographer André as save as possible. (In addition, we came in separate cars from different directions and chose uniquely photo positions that were at least a couple of meters away from me. Belay security standards were as high as always. Not only to avoid blocking intensive care beds (that aren’t at their limits at all around Frankenjura), but to simply save our own lives.)
All this even though there is no scientific evidence and low plausibility for outdoor infection of Covid-19. (At least without outdoor French kissing.) Especially in dry, windy and warm weather conditions like this.
Being aware of the shit storm that may arise from it, I hereby openly admit that yesterday I started and already almost finished real redpoint tries in Corona and Panthera (9a) at Schneiderloch without a mask and my wife belaying me – she es a doctor who due to missing security equipment still has to work unprotected at the hospital.
I am not afraid of kissing her (even indoors) but there would be reason to wonder who sets at risk who in a constellation like this?
Abstaining from rock climbing and shit storming those who use the still legal possibility to climb outdoors nearby is not yet proven to flatten the curve of Covid-19.
Therefore, it is proven not to flatten the already inflationary curve of online hate speech.
Even today a head can be used for more than to hold a mask.
And don’t worry: Free thinking is no very contagious attitude these days.
You can apply it without any protection.“
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