In der Eiger-Nordwand herrscht derzeit Gedränge ;-). Nachdem dem Schweizer Nils Favre und dem Franzosen Symon Welfringer eine Wiederholung der Route „Paciencia“ (8a oder X-) gelang, konnten Babara Zangerl und Jacopo Larcher die 33 Seilängen der 1400 Meter langen Route “Odysee” innerhalb von 16 Stunden klettern.

Im Jahr 2015 folgte die Erstbegehung der bislang schwierigsten Route durch die Eiger-Nordwand erstbegangen durch Robert Jasper, Roger Schaeli und Simon Gietl. 2018 gelang dem wohl besten „Bigwallpärchen“  der Welt die erste Single-Rotpunktbegehung der Route. Die beiden Kletterer durchstiegen dabei alle Seillängen frei und mit Wechselführung. Die Schlüsselseillängen sie beide jeweils Rotpunkt nacheinander geklettert. Damals benötigten sie noch vier Tage für den Durchstieg.

Hier Babsis Bericht zur Eintages-Begehung: „So, we gave our project another chance. The weather forecast promised us perfect weather without any chance of a thunderstorm. Two days later we were back on the wall. (We still had some tiredness in the bones from the last try) Early this Monday morning, at 1.30 AM, we started. We climbed the first half of the route in the dark. The spicy part of the wall was still very wet…but at least we didn’t have to climb in a shower of water. We were 3 hours faster than ever before…and reached the czech bivi at half past 7 in the morning. The psych was high and we were enjoying giving everything we had as climbed fast through the upper part of the wall. At 5.30 PM, we both were standing on the top. It was a really hard and demanding time to succeed on this mythical Eiger North Face. What an unforgettable adventure!! Our time at the end was exactly 16h.” Thanks a lot to all the people who’ve been involved in this project and to @blackdiamond, who will soon release a video about this adventure. Stay tuned!  Fotos: (c) Johannes Mair (Alpsolut_Pictures)