Chiara Hanke (formerly Clostermann) managed the route „Wallstreet“ at the „Krottenseer Turm“,  the world’s first XI-/ 8c. The original route dates from 1987 and was originally graded X + by the First Ascenter Wolfgang Güllich. However, as climbers who attempted a re-run had magnified one of the holds (finger hole) (whether accidentally or intentionally, to gain such an advantage, could never be clarified), Wolfgang cemented this hole completely and climbed the now more difficult moves again. Only then did the current grad of difficulty XI-. Only after two years before the route was repeated by Guido Köstermeyer. It was not until 2014 that Mélissa Le Nevé took the first female ascent.

Photos: (c) Hans Radetzki von White Van Media