Daniel Woods sends ‚Dicktopia‘ 8C which adds an 8A left exit to ‚Little Richard‘ 8B+. It was his sensational 30th ascent of a boulder in grade 8C or harder for the US-American climber and his 17. FA in this range.

„Had a good session the other night at Camp Dick. Started off by repeating @griffinwhiteside “Little Richard” (8B+/14). Next I did a left exit (video) to LR which adds an 8A/v11 after doing the 8B+/v14. To top it off I did a left entrance trav into LR. This adds a 7 move 7B+/v8 straight into LRs crux. Two 8B+\v14 and an 8C\v15 in a session isn’t so bad. And all the lines have quality rock and moves!“