Aidan Roberts meldet die erste Begehung von „Railway“ im Bouldergebiet Wild Basin, Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). Vorsichtig hat er für den Boulder 8C vorgeschlagen. Es wäre ja schließlich auch sein erster Boulder in diesem Grad.
„Great 4 move boulder on small crimp rails I scouted at Wild Basin, learnt it was a project, and couldn’t resist going yesterday and getting it done! The first move is without a doubt the crux and possibly the hardest move I’ve ever done on rock! The style suits me well, basic crimping, and this could well be my hardest climb to date. There’s potential to keep the foot on for the first move if a little taller, time will tell the difficulty of it. I’m reluctant to grade it 8c as I have tried so few of this grade, though it feels significantly harder than any other 8b+ I’ve done so perhaps it could be logical. For now, the slash grade and I’ll let some future climbers decide! Thanks @tchadx @fausey for putting us up and sorting us out with some ice bath recovery! On to new areas!“
Diese Schwierigkeit wurde nun schon von Matt Fultz, der sich jetzt die erste Wiederholung sicherte, bestätigt. Für Matt war es der fünfte 8C Boulder den er dieses Jahr klettern konnte. Eine enorme Leistung, wenn man bedenkt, dass er erst dieses Jahr in diesem Grad vorgestoßen ist.
„The past couple of months I’ve made it a goal to try something every day that kicks my ass. Mission accomplished today! Tried Colorado’s newest V15, Railway (FA by @aidan.roberts98). I was able to quickly do all the moves besides this ruckus first deadpoint! Psyched to get back out soon, fingers crossed the holds are stickier with cooler temps! „
Hier ein kurzer Clip der Begehung von Matt:
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