Wie berichtet,  konnte die US-Amerikanerin Isabelle Faus im April vergangenen Jahres den Boulder „Delusion of Grandeur“ in Chironico klettern.  Nun gibt es von „mellow“ ein Video von der Begehung:

Auf www.8a.nu schreibt Isabelle zu ihrer Begehung: . „Wow! So psyched, super classic boulder. Not my style at all….slopers.. really big crux move that is my full extension. Top out is high and committing and satisfying… I was scared on the slab! Not usually a FFA type of girl… but I think I’m the first girl to do this, and its one of the most classic boulders in Ticino so thats kinda cool. Went up and the electric ant (the new start) right after! Probably one of my best days of climbing!“
