Dave Graham ist auch weiterhin sehr stark mit Seil unterwegs, so konnte er jetzt die Route „First Ley“ (9a+) im spanischen Klettergebiet Margalef punkten. Dave tat sich erst sehr schwer in der Route, konnte sich aber dann doch, als er das „Beta“ von Jorge Diaz Rullo übernahm, die 9. Begehung, sichern. Jorge konnte die Route am 5. März diesen Jahres klettern.
„First Ley“ ist quasi leichte Ausstiegsvariante zu „First round, first minute“ und wurde wurde 2010 von Chris Sharma erstbegangen.
„So syked to finally finish this thing off!!!!! Such a good climb from @chris_sharma with amazing moves and holds Rocked up to the lab on Saturday and wasn’t even sure if I was gonna give it burns, ended up warming up, felt pretty good, then just took it down the first try of the day 🙂 After three weeks of foggy humid weather, punting around and changing my beta, I felt super discouraged and confused about what wasn’t working Then the amazing north and west winds returned, bringing drier conditions, sunshine, and a lot better friction. In the end I just ended up doing my og method, mixed with some tricky new @jorge.diazrullo beta, and voila, it worked perfectly!! Felt so good to feel the flow again, climb well, clip an anchor, and liberate myself from the easier exit Its a bit of a shame it took so long to make it happen, but it was amazing training for First Round First Minute 9B At the end of the sesh I did the last boulder of FR from the rest to the anchor feeling solid, so now I’m super motivated to go back give it some proper burns!! Felt great in La Capella and Furia de Jabali the past couple days, the two other 9b’s I want to do, so finally feeling some momentum behind my climbing after what seems like a lot of months of trying really hard with very little progress So syked for the weeks to come, hopefully we can get lucky with the weather, and with some determination, make some magic happen So grateful to have shared this proceess with a great crew of amazing and motivated climbers, muchas gracias amigos“
Foto:(c) Andrew Pawlby
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Ich reiche hiermit die fehlende Quelle des Direktzitats nach: https://kayakandclimb.blogspot.com/2023/11/free-karma-on-half-dome.html?m=1