Elias Iagnemma konnte sich jetzt einen Traum erfüllen und einen „eigenen“ [9A]-Boulder erstbegehen. Nach 35 Sessions war es soweit und Elias konnte die kleinen scharfen Griffe bis zum Top halten. Der Boulder wäre, wenn sich die Schwierigkeit bestätigt, der derzeit schwerste Boulder in Italien und der mittlerweile schon achte [9A] Boulder der Welt.

Der Boulder ist unterteilt in einen ersten 8Aa Boulder, einen weiteren harten 8A Boulder und endet mit einem Standstart einer 8B/+…

Letztes Jahr gelang Elias nach Simon Lorenzi und William Bosi die dritte Wiederholung von „Burden of Dreams„, des ersten [9A]-Boulders der Welt.

What a dream! 
After a year and a half of attempts in a total of 35 sessions I managed to get to the bottom of this King Line. My King Line. It was truly a crazy fight between conditions, mind and body.
Many times I thought about throwing in the towel because I thought it was impossible to link all those extreme moves. The boulder is divided into a first 8A Boulder movement, a second 8A (hard) Boulder movement and ends with a stand start of 8B/+…
It is incredible how it is a precise climb where every part of the body, shoe and flap of skin must deform perfectly in those minimal sandstone holds. Regarding the grade evaluation I feel like giving it v17/9A since the intensity is very similar to that of BOD but with much more adverse environmental conditions since it is located in a valley where the humidity rate is very often at very high levels and finding the right conditions remains really difficult. I am really happy with this climb of mine and to be able to share it with the entire climbing community.
That said, I now hope that some top climber decides to take a nice trip to southern Italy. Soon the vide and other news!“


Foto: (c) Stefania Colomba