Alex Puccio has done Ground control 8A+ in Mt. Evans as well as repeated Isabelle Faus‘ ‚Gold Rush‘ 8B in Coal creek/ Pinecliffe (Colorado).

Alex: „Thank you Fausey and Chad for inviting us up to climb and showing another cool boulder! 🙂 Harder V12 or soft 8B. Breaks down to a V6/7 to a V11 to a V9. Really fun traverse. :)“

Only at the beginning of the month she could climb in one day! the following boulders:

-Chimichanga Classic V12/ 8A+
-Chimichanga V13/ 8B
-Dia-a-bolical Stand V11/ 8A -Chimichanga Stand V9/ 7C
All in a days work.

Alex has now done 94 boulders 8A+ to 8B+.

Photo: (c) Cameron Maier