Shortly after Drews Ruana send a extend the Daniel Woods ’boulder“ Echale „(V14 / 8B+) by a sit start, Matt Fultz got the first repetition. Matt could with „ Hypnotized Minds “ in the „Rocky Mountains National Park“ (RMNP) did not climb his first 8C+ boulders until September. Drew: „Feels nice to stand on top of another one. Echalo, V15 FA. First move feels super rugged, it’s one of the hardest moves I’ve ever done on rock. The temps were pretty bad yesterday but luckily everything clicked after 9ish days of works and I managed to fire the rig first go. @steezybailey followed up and destroyed the v14 stand in a few goes…. all in all a good sesh  @cooperbastian on the vid