Nach Barbara Zangerl und Jacobo Larcher kann sich jetzt auch Jonathan Siegrist eine Begehung der Sonnie Trotter Route aus dem Jahr 2007. Seit diesem Zeitpunkt hatte Jonathan die Route auch auf seiner Ticklist, aber erst 2011 warf er einen ersten Blick auf die Route.
Seine Aussage nach der Begehung spricht auch von den nötigen Respekt der Route gegenüber : „This pitch has been on my ultimate tick list since I first saw the news of @sonnietrotter ‘s ascent in 2007. Well, in reality, back then it was nothing but a far-fetched dream because I had just climbed my very first 14a that summer and the thought of climbing a gear route that hard was utterly terrifying. Fast forward to 2011 when I first walked to the back of Lake Louise and laid eyes on it. Despite climbing 9a and a bunch of alpine trad routes at the time I did not have half the courage to truly inspect the Path. I love how adding the complications of risk and placing your own protection can completely change the experience and difficulty of climbing. It’s just another amazing facet of this pursuit that is so exciting to explore. In some not so awesome heat but with overwhelming stoke I finally had the opportunity to climb ‘The Path’ 14a R this last Monday. What an absolutely brilliant line! I must say, huge congrats to @babsizangerl on her recent ascent – I truly believe that this route is harder and more dangerous for a short climber, so much respect!! Thank you to @mikehopkinsphotography for the photographs just a couple days left in Canada unfortunately…“
Foto. (c) Mike Hopkins
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