Schon etwas her, aber doch erwähnenswert. Der Italiener Elias Iagnemma konnte mit „Ten“ (9a/+) und „Ultimo tango in Zagarolo“ (9a/+) in den letzten beiden Jahren die wohl zwei schwersten Routen in Mittelitalien erschließen. „Ten“ ist die bisher schwerste Route von Elias. Er versuchte sich zwei Jahre lang in diesem Projekt, wobei ihm neben der enormen Schwierigkeit auch die schlechten Bedingungen zu schaffen machten. Die Route befindet sich im kleinem Klettergebiet Vado di Sole in den Abruzzen.
‚Ten‘ for me represented a very important point in my life as a climber. It was a two-year journey. Already in the first I had come very close to climbing it, then bad weather and bad conditions forced me to give it up for that year since the route is located at more than 1600 meters high. In the second year I came back stronger and more motivated but at the beginning retracing the movements was not at all easy until the end of September where on 29 September 2019 I finally managed to climb it. ‚Ten‘ represents and is the hardest route in Abruzzo if not in central Italy together with ‚Ultimo tango in Zagarolo‘. „
Die Route „Ultimo tango in Zagarolo“ war ein 20 Jahre altes Projekt im Klettergebiet Grotti von „Jolly“ Alessandro Laberti, einem sehr starken römischen und italienischen Kletterer, Viele Kletterer hatten es probiert, aber erst Elias konnte die Route im Januar 20020 punkten.
„Precisely for the latter it was a route that remained unbroken for 20 years, it was the historic project of „Jolly“ Alessandro Laberti, a very strong Roman and Italian climber. He has seen many strong climbers attempting his ascent but has pushed everyone away for a long time. I tried last tango for a few sessions in 2018 but it was always wet so I left it. Then in the winter of 2019 I started to attack it seriously because the conditions were excellent and the route was finally dry. After several gashes of my skin due to the sharp worlds and bitites under this crazy roof, on January 5th 2020 I finally succeed in his first ascent.“
Bilder: (c) Archiv Elias Iagnemma (Head -Elias in „Ultimo tango in Zagarolo“ und Text Elias in „Ten“)
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Hi ! well done for the FFA of Charliberté !! I'm looking for a really good picture of this area…