Nach dem für Alexander Megos enttäuschenden Olympiaauftritt, konnte sich der Deutsche mit der erst vierten Begehung von „The Change“ 9b+ trösten. Die 55 Meter lange Route gelang ihn in sensationellen fünf Tagen in seinem ersten Versuch in der kompletten Route. Die Route „Change“ war erste Route auf diesem Planeten, welche mit 9b+ bewertet worden war. Erstbegangen wurde sie von Adam Ondra vor mittlerweile zwölf Jahren. Bisher konnten nur Stefano Ghisolfi und Seb Bouin die Route wiederholen.
„Words can hardly describe my feelings right now. The disappointment from Paris was still so present when we arrived in Flatanger. I desperately needed a vacation, but I also wanted to check out some routes.
I guess I’m not the guy for big vacations. After 4 days of checking out Change I was able to link both pitches on day 5. I hadn’t done either one of the parts individually, but I felt like with a really good try I could actually send. Thankfully that really good try was the first real attempt I made from the ground with a potential send in mind.
I used one kneepad on my right knee, which does make the crux of the first pitch a little easier than the original beta from @adam.ondra. The top doesn’t change too much with a kneepad, when you have really bad kneebar skills like mine. The rests feel more comfortable though. I’m still far away from the kneebad wizardry other people have mastered (but I’m willing to learn).
Hats off to @adam.ondra for doing the FA 12!!! years ago. Felt like climbing a real piece of history.
Thanks to everyone who supported me at the crag and from home and thanks a lot @dinosaauuur for all the patient belays“
Alexander Megos (@alexandermegos) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos
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