Keita Kurakami konnte mit Unterstützung vom Local Dave MacLeod die Trad Route “Mega Bracket (E7 6c)” um drei Seillängen verlängern. Dafür vergab er den Namen “Mega Kagi-Kakko”. Den japanischen Namen für „Bracket“ (Klammer). Keita dazu: „Finally I added new 3 pitches route “Mega Bracket (E7 6c)” on Creag Mo with Dave MacLeod . The origin of the name of the route is just the feature of the wall and I gave 2nd name to this route, “Mega Kagi-Kakko”. Thankfully I had a chance to open a new route in this beautiful place. I also had good conversation with the crag and climber friends, Masa Sakano, Dark Sky Media and Dave MacLeod . It was my first time to open new route with foreign climber friends. “Kagi-kakko” is used as a bracket in Japanese language (“「 ” ; you can see this symbol in Japanese conversational sentence) but it’s not used in another language. So this 2nd name would be reminded memories of this experiences. Still, there is more more potential to open a new route. This symbol needs another one to finish the conversation. So I hope to come back again this place!“
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