Adain Roberts reports the first ascent of „Superpower“ 8C /+. After all, it would also be his second boulder of this grade or more. Before this FA, Adain was able to finish the first of his top projects with „Copperline“ 8B +. The boulder is mainly on the excellent rough rock and is located in a beautiful mountain setting. Superpower – First Ascent.
The second of my top projects. In terms of pure difficulty and minimalism, this one takes the top spot and undoubtedly barges it’s way to my hardest climb to date whilst also aligning perfectly with my style. Steep, body tension, wide moves and small crimps and, from my experience, possibly one of the best of it’s style I’ve come across. Over the past 4 years or so I’ve tried it on and off, never really linking more than a couple of moves and never feeling close to linking the full sequence. I knew I was currently climbing well but, until I had a session dropping the last hard move, my confidence for this climb eluded me. The satisfaction and disbelief when standing atop of this massive boulder will not be one I’ll forget in a hurry. Dreading the topic of difficulty, I’ll admit I’m out of my depth with this one. Having never really tried much of the top end bouldering it’s hard to understand where this sits, though comparing to the ones which I have, it feels as though it sits a difficulty above any 8C I have tried. I’m not yet so willing to commit to this new territory with so little experience so, despite it’s slightly lame nature, will propose the annoying slash grade of 8C/+. Perhaps some more clarity will arise once I’ve developed a little more experience of cutting edge climbing. Funnily enough, photos provided yet again by @samm_pratt 😉
Photo: (c) Sam Pratt
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