Die Schweizerin Katherine Choong kann die Route „Deep Blue Sea“ (7b+) in der Eiger-Nordwand am Genfer Pfeiler Onsight abspulen. Katherine Choong ist Mitglied der Schweizer Nationalmannschaft und konnte letztes Jahr mit „Cabane au Canada“ eine 9a-Route klettern. Im laufenden Jahr konzentrierte sich die 27-Jährige neben Wettkämpfen vor allem auf das alpine Klettern. Durch die Wettkämpfe hatte Katherine leider zu wenig Zeit, für eine längere Projektierung einer MSL-Route. So musste sie „Deep Blue Sea“ halt Onsight klettern ;-).

„This year, I have finally decided to take time to do more multipitch routes. When I asked my friends which route would be good to climb, most of them advised me to go for a ride on Deep Blue See. But this summer, between the competitions, other projects and the weather, I couldn’t go. Then I went to Montserrat to try a hard multipitch route, which gave me a good shape and lot of motivation for multipitches. One day after my return from Spain, a beautiful sunny day was coming. I was still a bit tired but it was the opportunity or never this year to go to the Eiger ! So I contacted a friend Nicolas Zambetti who was immediately very motivated. I was incredibly lucky because he really came just to belay me, encourage me and take care of all the logistics so that I could really focus on climbing and lead every pitches. Arriving in the morning with the first train, we didn’t have to drag it out in order to get on the last train. So we quickly made the first lengths which are in a style that suits me perfectly. Crimps on a slight overhang. The first 7b+ went very well but I had some difficulty in the pitch 5 7a because of a long movement on a wet hold. We continued our journey without too many problems until the last difficult length which is 7b+. Tired, it was clearly a battle for me to send this pitch much more bouldery than the others to finally reach the anchors in the sun, what a relief !

Many thanks again to Nicolas for all his support and for the great day spent in the mountain! It was definitely one of the best route I’ve climbed so far.“

Fotos: (c) Nicolas Zambetti


Schwierigkeit: (7b+, 7a obl.) – 9 SL,
Routenlänge: 320m
Erbegeher: Ruhstaller/Rathmayr 2001/2002
Erste Free Base Solo Begehung: Dean Potter 2008
Erste Winter Rotpunkt Begehung: Dani Arnold 27. Dezember 2015
Material: 12 Express, Camalots 0.3-1 evtl. 2.