Die junge Oberbayerin Martina Demmel konnte jetzt mit „Mundo Soñado“ (8c) im spanischen Klettergebiet Chulilla ihre schon dritte 8c-Route in diesem Jahr klettern. Es gelang ihr gleich im 4. Versuch.
Es war für Martina die zehnte 8c Route in ihrer bisherigen Karriere. Das ist an sich schon eine große Leistung, wenn man aber bedenkt, daß Martina erst vor vier Jahren mit Klettern begonnen hat, ist das umso bemerkenswerter. Erst im April letzten Jahres konnte sie mit „Odd Fellows“ ihre erste 8c-Route klettern.
„Mundo Soñado“ [8c] 4th try = ‚Dreamworld‘ what a suitable name for such a perfect line!
Felt soo good to change those vertical endurance letters to this steep and powerful wrestling while trying to keep the feet on the wall!
Happy that I found this rather hidden diamond through the steep ‚Caverna diagnostica‘ cave on the last couple of days of our 6 weeks visit here! Even if most of the famous climbs have already seen a send which should be a sign to slowly change the destination but falling more & more in love with Chulilla’s beautiful canyon including daily rainbows, the upcoming spring vibes, … makes it even harder to leave!
Biggest thx @kautzisabelle for sharing all those fun moments together, supporting each other, holding the rope and as well for capturing me after clipping the chains of „Mundo Soñado“ yesterday.
Quite a pumpy battle including all kind of styles by starting with some bouldery reachy moves on good pockets followed by a flowy traverse and leading into a final slab section to make sure you’ll stay concentrated till the very end… anyway cleaning the whole climb afterwards was still the most challenging part! Today, I basically have got a ‚Muskelkater‘ in every part of my body so I think it’s fine to still lay in the bed in the middle of the day!
Now, it’s time to make out the most of the last remaining days here with my blondy chica. Vengaa!!!
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Ich reiche hiermit die fehlende Quelle des Direktzitats nach: https://kayakandclimb.blogspot.com/2023/11/free-karma-on-half-dome.html?m=1
Please contact Tobias Wolf via https://kayakandclimb.blogspot.com/ Cheers Gabi
Hi ! well done for the FFA of Charliberté !! I'm looking for a really good picture of this area…