Nach Jakob Schubert und Alfons Dornauer kann sich nach langen Kampf auch Christof Rauch eine Wiederholung des Florian „Flo“ Schmalzl Testpieces im Zillertal bei Ginzling holen. Von Flo vorsichtig mit 8B+/C eingestuft, gilt der Boulder nun als solide 8C. Flo konnte den Boulder letztes Jahr als erstes klettern.
Der Österreicher Christof Rauch gehört sicherlich zu den derzeit besten Boulderern Österreichs und weltweit. Mittlerweile stehen neben zehn Bouldern im Grad Fb8c, über 600 Boulder im 8. Grad auf seiner Habenseite. Wenn man bedenkt, dass Christof einer der wenigen Amateure unter den Topboulderern ist, um so erstaunlicher ist es.
„One of the best and hardest lines in the valley! Would be even better without this nasty, sharp microcrimp on the upper part. Props to my friend Flo for establishing such a five star line! Dreamed about climbing this problem already when Flo tried to make the first ascent, then it took me many sessions to climb the first part „Larch“ (8A+) because it is on the limit for my armspan, then I tried „Sierra Madre stand“ (8A+) which took me a few sessions to find a good beta for my size as well. After that I got already quite close in May but then I hurt the pulley on my ringfinger. Back to bouldering it took me quite a while to get back into the right shape. Then the snow came too early this season but I didn‘t give up! Shoveled off the snow after work on Monday, then went all in on Friday and fell 5 times on the last hard move. Wasn‘t sure if I should even try it today because of quite bad skin. Had some bad luck and fell another 3 times on the last move. Then I went for a last effort and somehow fought my way to the top. Epic fight. So happy to finish this line after it became a real mental battle!“
Foto: (c) Michael Piccolruaz
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